Peaceful Coexistence

Gulistan- A garden of diversities

Sanchetana has always believed in enrichment that diversity brings. It is our conviction that when diversities and differences are not only reality of any system but also positive in nature and essential to the growth of any society, it is the factors like prejudices, upbringing, socialization, propaganda etc which create division, discrimination and deprivation (3D). In the context of Ahmedabad When on one side, Ahmedabad is enriched with the diversities and differences therein, there are a lot of divisions, deprivations and discrimination have taken place in the minds and hearts of people may it be Inter religious, inter-castes, gender, of different ideologies, socio-economic strata or any else. The history shows how diversities and differences have turned into division, discrimination and deprivation in the city of Ahmedabad. Hence, we have always made efforts to build bridges to bring diversities together where relationships are characterized by a recognition and respect for diversity and equal access to resources and opportunities.

Gulistan is an initiative of Sanchetana to create a platform of youth for building bridges. With the conviction that youth can bring a change to the society, the vision of the program Gulistan is creating different platforms and forums where youth from diverse backgrounds come together and the dialogue and mutual relationships become possible for them. Under Gulistan, A number of religious festivals promoting the values of peace, equality and love are organized with youth of different religions. The value of unity in diversity is integrated with all our programs. We promote and encourage volunteers and students from colleges and universities to see the reality the marginalized face in their day-to-day lives. Such platforms not only create understanding among the youth, but the youth themselves create the platform to create a culture of unity in diversity in their own societies and communities.


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